ANN32.ZIP 83,052 05-16-92 Announcement Door V3.2 - T&j Software.
ANSI320.ZIP 102,208 09-19-92 Ansi art gallery 3.20 ansi art/music bbsdoor supports baud rates up to 115k
APDZ10B.ZIP 51,599 10-14-92 Apply-Diz v1.0b - Insert PCBoard directorydescriptions into archives as FILE_ID.DIZ
APOC61.ZIP 228,715 07-01-92 Apocalypse War Game Door V6.1.
AS25.ZIP 107,103 05-19-92 Autoscribe 2.5 Credit Card Sub Door.
AWALL202.ZIP 141,269 08-15-92 Alley-Wall 2.02 is a graffiti\bulletin doorfor PCBoard 14.x and compat systems.
BATLDV21.ZIP 62,153 12-10-92 Battleship Attack version 2.1 -- Online play- includes diagonal placement of ships... inputting of ships locations is hidden tothe sysop for security and peace of mind tothe users.
BBDICE14.ZIP 85,434 10-17-92 Baseball Dice - Door Game V1.4 Part of TheSunrise Door Collection AddiciTVe -Fast
BBSBAS12.ZIP 41,079 12-07-92 v1.2 of GAP BBSBASE Door program
BBSBWL15.ZIP 77,098 10-01-92 Bbs bowling door v1.5, bug fixes and nowwith support for wwiv bbs.
BBSCR56.ZIP 109,830 04-18-92 BBS Crack Door Game V5.6.
BETSY23.ZIP 89,634 10-17-92 Betsy Ross Solitare - Door Game V2.3 Part ofThe Sunrise Door Collection Card game
BETWEEN.ZIP 17,476 02-11-92 'Between' card game, for Searchlight bbs2.xx.
BFIREMTD.ZIP 196,168 09-07-92 BackFire Callback Door for GAP 6.x Muli Node
BFIRESTD.ZIP 195,590 09-07-92 BackFire Callback Door for GAP 6.x Singl Node
BGAME101.ZIP 73,666 10-13-92 Tournament Back Gamon Door Game V1.01.
BGQWKB40.ZIP 93,615 11-14-92 B.J. Guillot's QWKmail door for GT PowerBBS.
BINGO.ZIP 98,806 03-19-92 BBS Game Door for GAP, PCBoard...
BJ15.ZIP 80,137 11-15-92 Black Jack Online Casino Door Version 1.5.
BJACK10.ZIP 59,888 10-26-92 Black Jack Online Door Ver 1.0 (Dreamware).
BLKJAK32.ZIP 15,558 02-16-92 Version 3.02 compiled 02/16/92 - 7.29a Playthe SysOp at a game of 21. You are given$500 to start and can play as long as youhave money. Writes top 10 bulletin.
BOBCT36M.ZIP 151,031 10-04-92 Callback Door for Wildcat! Multi Node
BOBCT36S.ZIP 150,578 10-04-92 Callback Door for Wildcat! Singel Node
BOOBYTRP.ZIP 113,315 06-01-92 Boobytrap Game Door, GAP, PCB etc..
BOWL.ZIP 92,014 03-19-92 Game Door for GAP, PCBoard...
BOXPKR43.ZIP 87,405 10-17-92 Box Poker Solitaire - Door Game V4.3 Part ofThe Sunrise Door Collection Play 5 Card StudPoker on A 5x5 Board Grid.
BRAINEX.ZIP 233,319 12-23-92 BRAINEX DOOR MANAGER All Brainex Doorsrequire the Door Manager. Makesinstallation of new doors easy! Configuresyour CDROM, comports, nodes, etc. Workswith most BBS types. From The BrainexSystem. 310-275-2344 / 310-273-5234
BRE00874.ZIP 259,367 11-14-92 Barons Realms Elite Interbbs Door V0.874.
BW102_RA.ZIP 201,756 09-07-92 BlueWave Offline reader door forRemoteAccess. New version! Bug fix release.
BZONE11.ZIP 151,913 11-11-92 Battle Zone Online Door Game Version 1.1.
CALIFTRV.ZIP 5,277 05-22-92 California trivia files for Falken triviadoor.
CALLB5.ZIP 73,587 04-19-92 CALLBACK DOOR FOR GAP VER 5 Easy to useCallBack door for GAP BBS. Many sysopoptions, very reliable! From BrainexSystems 310-275-2344 Fully functional demo. Registration $25.
CALLBACK.ZIP 90,689 11-25-92 CALLBACK DOOR FOR GAP Easy to use CallBackdoor for GAP BBS. Many sysop options, veryreliable! Uses the Brainex Door ManagerSystem. From Brainex Systems 310-275-2344Fully functional demo. Registration $25.
CAMMENU.ZIP 1,679 09-26-92 Better menus for Cam-Mail door
CARIB27.ZIP 28,934 09-25-92 Caribbean Contraband Game Door v2.7
CASTLE76.ZIP 136,061 07-18-92 Dark Castle Door Game.
CBACK5.ZIP 71,198 03-10-92 CALLBACK DOOR FOR GAP VER 5 Easy to useCallBack door for GAP BBS. Many sysopoptions, very reliable! From BrainexSystems 310-275-2344 Fully functional demo. Registration $25.
CBV0150U.ZIP 72,614 05-15-92 WWIV 4.x, Call Back Verifier door v. 1.5
CDSUB43.ZIP 108,752 11-09-92 Ver 4.3 Cdsub Door That Allows Callers toAttempt Winning A Free Subscription to BBSCallers Digest or Buy Online With ThereVisa/Mastercard.
CHAIN31.ZIP 35,683 08-15-92 Chain v3.1 for WWIV Run old WWIV Doors withHigh Speed Modems
CHEFDOOR.ZIP 85,422 07-05-92 WC3.x DOOR lets users search up to 18 recipefiles. Ver 3.06 Files: 13 Oldest: 1/18/92 Newest: 7/5/92
CHOICE25.ZIP 97,520 11-09-92 Ver 2.5 Choice, This Game Has Three OldFashioned Text Type Games in One. ChooseBetween Find-Me, Trap-me And Reverse. DOORMulti-Bbs, Multi-node, Baud Rates to 115k,
CKIT254.ZIP 207,936 12-01-92 CKIT2.54; Door Developer kit for MicrosoftC, Quick C, Turbo C and BC++. SupportsPCBoard 12.0, 14.0 -> 14.5, WILDCAT!,DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF and ANY BBS known.
CLASFY18.ZIP 106,566 10-17-92 Classified Ads - Door V1.8 Part of TheSunrise Door Collection
COTS12.ZIP 64,416 08-24-92 Latest version of Conquest Of The SolarSystem v1.2. Game Door. Trade Wars Clone
COV11V2.ZIP 54,169 04-15-92 Cover 11, door game version 2.0 with playback
COVR2_20.ZIP 97,605 12-10-92 Cover 11 v2.200 - Solitaire Card Door GameCover 11 is a solitaire card game door forPCB or systems using 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphics game based on an old solitairecard game. All instructions are in the doorprogram. The door features auto roll-overof the scores on the first of the month,play makeup or ahead days. Features areconfigurable in registered version by thesysop. Newest File in Archive: September,
CRAZY14.ZIP 140,121 11-05-92 Crazy Eights v1.4 Play the card game ofCrazy Eights against the computer Game DOOR
CRIP0021.ZIP 109,345 08-28-92 Cripple Smash Door Game.
CRYPTO17.ZIP 90,717 10-17-92 Cryptograms - Door Game V1.7 Part of TheSunrise Door Collection Solve Coded Phrase
CSHARK52.ZIP 142,776 11-11-92 CARD SHARKS v5.2 - Multi BBS Door - Game Formost bbs types w/up to 115k baud support
CSMDM117.ZIP 67,652 06-22-92 Door for PCBoard that allows caller use oftwo different modems one from each com port.
CSMDM2.ZIP 54,492 11-02-92 Csmodem is A Door Program That Will AllowCallers to Use A Different Modem Connectedto A Single Node BBS System With 2 ComPorts, Like an HST on Com1 And A V32/V42 onCom2. freeware PCB 14.X.
CVLWAR47.ZIP 115,441 07-18-92 Civil War BBS Door Game, multibbs
DBILL55.ZIP 213,854 11-05-92 DoorBill v5.5 versatile door manager. Supports most BBS software without the needfor converters. Auto-ANSI detection, etc.
DBUPDATE.ZIP 625,659 11-04-92 FIX for D'bridge 1.50. Fixes bugs in builtin Editor and Terminal mode. Unzip thisfile directly into your D'bridge directory. Use only on version 1.50 ONLY!
DDOOR350.ZIP 22,253 06-10-92 Generates door use graphs that show the topdoors in use and the top users using thedoors. Primarily for RemoteAccess
DESTRUCT.ZIP 88,815 01-05-92 DESTROY HARD DRIVE JOKE DOOR Destroy yourcallers hard drive by modem. A great JOKEdoor. Don't worry folks, it's harmless! From The Brainex System: 310-275-2344310-273-5234
DFVB10.ZIP 198,177 10-01-92 DoorFrame v1.0 Doors development library forVisual Basic DOS. Has direct support formost BBS software, COM 1 - 4, up to 115KBaud, non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes,music, high score bulletin, box and linedrawing, ANSI and ASCII file send plus ahost of routines provided for programmeruse. One of the MicroNet collection ofquality software by Ted Freeman. NewestFile in Archive:
DIRCMP1B.ZIP 49,256 03-06-92 DIRCOMP 1.0ß PCB/ProDoor file list utility. Compares two file lists and produces 3 newlists. Two of them contain the files uniqueto each of the input files. The third liststhe files that are common to the inputfiles. Fully functional Shareware. $10 reg
DLUC10.ZIP 51,297 08-12-92 Days left until Christmas 1.0 Shows diffedifferent Christmas screens for every dayuntil Xmas. Also counts down days leftuntil December 25 Supports most BBS types. Distributed as FREEWARE from TES Software(919) 895-0368.
DMAIL11D.ZIP 330,462 08-09-92 Dmail V1.1d Personal File Exchange DoorWhich Automatically Interfaces With PCButito Import Messages to The Intended RecipientAnd The Sender (Once The File is Received).
DOMINO11.ZIP 120,382 11-14-92 DOMINOES Door Game v1.1 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection Fast favorite!
DOOR2DEF.ZIP 29,751 06-25-92 Door2Def v1.0 - Fast, Freeware Door FileConverter. Converts DOOR.SYS to DORINFO1.DEF
DOORDR50.ZIP 370,052 03-03-92 DoorDriver 5.0 - set of Pascal tpu's for bbsdoor construction
DORMN210.ZIP 63,604 08-15-92 DorMenu v2.10 - Categorize your doors,restrict users from opening doors based ontime and security. Now maintaines a logfile of user activity. Supports PCB 14.xalong with most other popular bbs systems. DORMENU, DOOR CATEGORIZER Don Cheeks 2.1005-29-92
DRWY221.ZIP 203,580 07-29-92 DOORWAY revision 2.21. This program allowsboth BBS's to add normal programs to BBS'sas DOORS, and provides a sharewarealternative to expensive commercial programsfor remote accessing of a home or officecomputer. This version contains both a HOSTand COM program for full functionalitywithout any 3rd party software, yet is stillcompatible with most other com programs.
DTIME22.ZIP 148,843 09-30-92 Tes Software Presents: Double Time Bank! 2.2 Lets Users Store And Retrieve Time ForLater User! Many Sysop Configurable Options!
DWARZ200.ZIP 732,031 11-13-92 Dragon Wars Interbbs Door Game Version 2.0.
DZKWR221.ZIP 101,847 03-27-92 Dzk War-Ranker V2.21 New For Global War.
EAW12.ZIP 457,210 09-05-92 Empires at War v1.2, online door game verycomplex. Works with most BBS types
ECPLAYER.ZIP 21,673 08-04-92 Player info for EConquest BBS door game
EDTDAY24.ZIP 20,169 02-25-92 Add Lost Days to Global War if BBS Crashes.
EFT130.ZIP 355,394 03-31-92 Enhanced File Transfer V1.30 this is The EftDoor For ra And Sbbs systems. Lots ofFeatures, Multiline, multilanguage, CD-ROMmanager and much much more
EHBANK16.ZIP 22,654 06-07-92 "the Time Bank" V1.6 For Executive Host BBSMinor Bug Fix For When A Caller With Too LowSecurity Enters The Bank.
EHTGAM10.ZIP 21,856 06-07-92 The Time Gambler For Executive Host BBSAllow Your Callers to Gamble Away MinutesFor Minutes. From "thermo Systems".
ELIM51.ZIP 144,014 11-05-92 Eliminate v5.1. The computer selects asecret word. You try to guess it. Game DOOR
EMP_101.ZIP 244,979 09-16-92 Emperor, multi-player multinode combat gameCompatible with most BBS types
ENDLS102.ZIP 43,111 06-14-92 Endless Story 1.02 - Door For PCBoard AndProDoor That Allows Users To Add A Line To AStory. Maintenance Release. FreeWare FromGreg Parsons.
ET200.ZIP 115,947 08-11-92 Enterprise Trivia 2.0 from TES Software. This game was written for all us StarTreklovers that like to answer tough questionsabout this awesome TV program.
EVD41.ZIP 284,378 03-01-92 Eagleware Caller Verification door; version4.1; new release with bug fixes.
FACTS28.ZIP 69,682 09-23-92 Ver 2.8 Facts, The Door That Test YourKnowledge. Similiar to TV's Jeopardy.
FANT120.ZIP 190,740 02-05-92 Fantasy Island online door game.
FAXDOR17.ZIP 88,752 10-18-92 MultiBBS:FAX Door v1.7 sends w/user online
FAXEM17.ZIP 65,879 08-28-92 FAXEM V1.7 ONLINE FAX DOOR Fax-Em works withdoor.sys, chain.txt dorinfo.def,callinfo.bbs, pcboard.sys, user.sys,sfdoors.dat. Faxem will send a fax whileuser is online
FBRAIN.ZIP 339,917 12-13-92 FILE BRAIN UPLOAD VIRUS ZIP CHECKER Use thisto check uploads for virus and bad zip, arj,lzh, arc, and gif files. Will also extractFILE_ID.DIZ, and check your CDROM forduplicate files. Used in UPCHECK.BAT filefor GAP.
FIL_140.ZIP 116,793 09-16-92 File Door 1.40 - Let users download selectedfiles free of charge.Compatible with most bbs
FISH_100.ZIP 68,057 08-15-92 This FREE software is door implementation ofthe children's game of `Go Fish' for PCBoardand other systems.
FIX300.ZIP 84,709 09-10-92 Fix for version 3.0 of the Pit
FONTUTIL.ZIP 31,638 09-02-92 Chess Magic Door Font Util Software.
FXCHAT70.ZIP 39,243 10-15-92 F/X-Chat v7.0a - Split-Screen SysOp to UserChat-Mode Door for PCB/QBBS/RA/RBBS, etc
GAPLIMIT.ZIP 51,722 08-22-92 GAPLIMIT GAP BBS CALL PER DAY LIMITERGapLimit offers a way for sysops to limitthe number of logons per day by usersecurity level.
GAPQBDR.ZIP 148,012 08-05-92 GAP/PCB QB4.5 DOOR routines
GTCVT30.ZIP 15,857 11-05-92 A small simple multi-mode door converter forGT Power BBS systems.
GWDOOR11.ZIP 259,196 05-05-92 GALACTIC WARRIOR - Ver 1.1 Space trading /fighting BBS Door Game Multi-Line SupportBaud Rates up to 115,000 Novell, 3Com,PC-NET, MS-NET, PC-LAN, Lantstic, &Desqview......
HANG501.ZIP 30,873 04-28-92 Hangman Door V5.01 - Halleys Doors.
HANGEM.ZIP 101,764 03-19-92 BBS Game Door for GAP, PCBoard...
HAWAII12.ZIP 106,393 08-24-92 Hawaian Trivia Online Game Door v1.2
HIROLL47.ZIP 88,200 10-22-92 Hiroll Dice - Door Game V4.7 . Part of TheSunrise Door Collection Dice Board Game
HNGMAN11.ZIP 76,642 10-02-92 HangMan Door V1.1 - DreamWare.
HOF100.ZIP 11,009 02-24-92 Hall of Fame v. 1.00 for Global War v. 2.
I.ZIP 37,524 07-04-92 I.EXE, the Tradewars 2 install program
IMP350.ZIP 300,083 03-07-92 Imperium 3.50 door game now with fullalliance support!
IMPDOOR.ZIP 2,753 03-14-92 Setup .cfg file for imperium door #59
INFODOOR.ZIP 67,176 11-10-92 INFO DOOR DISPLAY TEXT FILE Use this todisplay a text file. Requires the BrainexDoor Manager. From Brainex System:310-275-2344
IO0892.ZIP 113,658 07-23-92 International Online Magazine (DOOR) 8/94Issue.
IRAQNOID.ZIP 253,721 03-19-92 BBS game door GAP, PCB...
ISA_004.ZIP 226,609 04-23-92 Interstellar Annihilation v0.04 - a multiBBSgame (over FidoNet lines) which is muchbetter than any SRE-clone game. This wassupposed to be 1.00, but bug fixes from 0.03prompted this version numbering.
JAIL1000.ZIP 176,748 03-19-92 BBS Game Door for GAP, PCBoard...
JAIL500.ZIP 176,713 03-19-92 Jail BBS Door suport GAP, PCBoard...
JNS_EDIT.ZIP 53,610 03-01-92 Sysop's Editor For Jns Doors.
JOKED_02.ZIP 193,934 10-03-92 Joked Door pretty neat.
JPDOOR32.ZIP 177,815 02-26-92 TP5.5 and TP6 unit for writing powerfullRA1.11, QuickBBS 2.62 doors
KENO.ZIP 79,989 08-25-92 BRAINEX KENO Features automatic numberpicks. ANSI display. Fun! Top weekly/alltime scoring. Requires the Brainex DoorManager. Brainex BBS: 310-275-234
KING802U.ZIP 106,991 11-23-92 King Of The Board Version 8.02 The MostPopular Trivia Game For Bbs Systems.
KRAZY.ZIP 88,587 03-19-92 Krazy BBS Door supports GAP, PCBoard...
LADDER34.ZIP 91,264 10-17-92 LADDERS Dice - Door Game v3.4 . Part of theSunrise Door Collection
LMATCH13.ZIP 78,776 06-19-92 Letter Match - Door Game v1.3 ** Part of theSunrise Door Collection ** A unique andchallenging game that tests your memory andknowledge of the category subject chosen bythe Sysop. Automatic reset of game at endof month. Make-up-games-missed option andMORE!
LOGBRAIN.ZIP 73,660 12-21-92 LAST CALLER LOGON.BAT GRAFITTI PROGRAMHere's a program you can run with theLOGON.BAT option found in GAP. This programwill create a spiffy last caller file and anoptional Grafitti Comment Wall. Creates aplain text ASCII and a fancy ANSI file. Sysop can configure how many last calls toshow (1-20). Shows last caller's node,name, city, and a choice of baud, times on,or call date. This demo is fully functional
LUCKY15.ZIP 57,975 09-24-92 LUCKY v1.5 allows callers to buy some lottotickets and bank time. You set the cost perticket, winning odds & max to save in theOnline Time Bank! Must have brt71efr.exefor this one. Written for all BBSSoftwares, runs at 115K baud, multi-node, DVaware. Newest File in Archive: September,1992
LVCRAPS.ZIP 126,887 11-28-92 LAS VEGAS CRAPS GAMBLING DOOR Works withdoor.sys, chain.txt, dorinfo.def,sfdoors.dat. Supports WWIV's gold. Playsjust like a real Las Vegas crap game! UsesANSI color. High score bulletin not savedin this unregistered version. From Brainex310-275-2344.
MACSEC11.ZIP 79,005 11-27-92 MAC SEC V1.1 for PCBoard 14.x is an ON-LINESecurity Upgrade Door for your users. Letsyour users upgrade themselves, withoutwaiting for an event to occur. Protect upto 50 levels, File or Byte ratio, allow 50levels to be altered. Very fast and safe. A MAC's Place BBS release. BUG FIX, nowreads correct .cfg FreeWare..
MAD115.ZIP 49,266 08-30-92 Madness version 1.15 Online Game Door Forall DOS based BBS systems. Hard to master
MAHJONGG.ZIP 107,073 03-19-92 Mahjongg BBS Door supports GAP, PCBoard..
MAKEAMAP.ZIP 58,164 07-27-92 Shareware map maker for Global Conquest. Written by the game author. Registration of$10 also gets you an enhanced icon editorfor the game.
MALL.ZIP 35,695 03-12-92 The Mall for Tradewars 2002 1.03 onlinegame, lets players take out loans etc ... includes utility to display stats in bbslogon
MANUAL.ZIP 73,167 11-02-92 BBS USER MANUAL DOOR Callers can read ordownload your BBS user manual online. FromThe Brainex System. 310/275-2344310/273-5234
MARKET10.ZIP 27,079 12-19-92 FLEA MARKET Door (Buy, Sell Trade) for GAP
MATCH16.ZIP 101,849 11-09-92 Ver 1.6 Matchit. Similiar to The TV Game ofConcentration . Door for most bbs.
MATCHM10.ZIP 107,084 07-08-92 Welcome to the world of The Match Maker! Door program written for GAP or any BBSusing a DOOR.SYS file. This door will allowusers to match up with each other based onresponses given to questions you set-up. Nice look.
MENUMUS.ZIP 13,241 04-19-92 Add Music to Wildcat 3.X Doors Menu FileIncludes 7 Batch And 7 Music Files For EasySetup!
MMDEMO.ZIP 307,548 07-18-92 MainMail Demo for GAP 6.x ONLY This is morethen just a mail door for GAP BBS, This maildoor is truly integrated with GAP software. This is a must have mail door for GAP SysOps!
MONTE32.ZIP 80,680 06-07-92 MONTE CARLO Solitaire - Door Game v3.2 . **Part of the Sunrise Door Collection **Another highly challenging, hard to beatsolitaire card game. MAJOR upgrade! Makeupgames missed, during the month. Automaticgame reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at endof month.
NC_B12.ZIP 142,668 02-02-92 Sybilware's NameChange door 1.5ß12 HottestAliasing door on the market today! Nowincludes conference mask on VERIFY command,internal conference change & news gathering. Shareware by boB Gage. Registration $15.
NETGAME2.ZIP 84,159 11-04-92 Netgame1 V2.0 PC-Board Time Gamble Door,Charge The Users to Play The Game - YouDecide The Odds You Decide The Winnings. Freeware, Fully Network Aware.
NETGM22.ZIP 87,497 11-23-92 Netgame1 Version 2.2 Pc-Board Time GambleDoor, Charge The Users To Play The Game -You Decide The Odds You Decide The Winnings. Freeware, Fully Network Aware.
NETRN102.ZIP 222,642 02-08-92 NetRunner Door V1.02 for PCBoard, Gap, WC!,RBBS, QBBS and Others! The first true'Cyber Punk' online game. You're aNetRunner, bold and arrogant!
NEWKEYS.ZIP 5,408 11-08-92 Keys to work with Mike Wilson's doors, gooduntil 1/93
OBANK200.ZIP 73,939 10-19-92 Time Banking Utility For Opus 1.7+.
OCS_DOOR.ZIP 24,975 02-19-92 Online Classified Service Door
OIL110.ZIP 52,924 08-30-92 Oil Field version 1.10 Online Game Door OilField is an onliner written with the BBSOnliner Interface, meaning it will run undervirtually all DOS based BBS systems. OilField is a one player wildcatting game.
ONERUN32.ZIP 87,500 10-14-92 OneRun v3.2 - limit door runs for doors thathave no runs per day limit! Supports allthe major BBS types, COM1-4, non-standardIRQ's, DESQview aware, and speeds up to115.5k! T&J.
ONREAD31.ZIP 31,061 08-24-92 BBS Online Reader v3.1 by E.L. Morrow. This multinode door for most systems sets uptext files for users to view, searchthrough, and download.
ORDER.ZIP 102,710 11-27-92 GAP CREDIT CARD SUBSCRIPTION DOOR Let yourcallers upgrade their accounts online bycredit card. Instantly changes level andexpiration date to sysop determined levels. Stores ordering information in sysop definedfile. Very configurable. DEMO VERSION (NoOrders Processed) Registration: $25. FromThe Brainex System at 310-275-2344.
PAGE.ZIP 71,469 08-25-92 PAGE BRAIN SYSOP PAGE DOOR Set page hours,bell on/off times. Callers can leave a oneline comment with reason for paging. FromThe Brainex System. 310/275-2344310/273-5234
PAGE102.ZIP 42,535 06-13-92 Page 1.02 - Door For ProDoor Or PCBoard ToAsk The User WHY They Wish To Page You, ThenContinue With The Normal ProDoor PageProcedure. Loads PROTRNS File So That YouMay Customize Display. Seamless Page Door! FreeWare From Greg Parsons. Newest File inArchive: June, 1992
PCBDP198.ZIP 101,052 10-09-92 PCB-Deposit v1.98. An excellent Time/ByteDoor. Written for PCBoard 14.5a. Versatile
PCBDPNL2.ZIP 3,045 10-16-92 Dutch Language PCB Deposit Door Prompts/Help
PCBFRE28.ZIP 96,297 09-26-92 PCBoard 14.5x File Ratio Enforcer DOOR. Provides dynamic FILES, BYTES, POST/CALL,POST/DOWNLOAD ratio enforcement.
PCBLIM23.ZIP 88,782 07-02-92 <─PCBLimit v2.3 ─ (For PCB14.5x)── 7-2-92─>PCBLimit is a DOOR that will allow or denyusers access to your system between thespecified times. Great for Mail Networks!
PCBMOVE.ZIP 80,708 03-11-92 PCBMove - Remote PCBoard file movingutility. PCBoard door to allow your usersmove your uploads and their descriptions tothe proper file directories of your board. Can also be used locally with an ASCII listto be moved or take the move requests from amessage using GetMail included in the Zip. A must for lazy sysops :-) Authors:G.Peterson, R.Cougnec, A.Altan Newest Filein Archive: March, 1992
PCBRAT15.ZIP 14,464 03-30-92 PCBoard 14.5a File Ratio Enforcer DOORReal-time/dynamic file/bytes ratio enforcer.
PCBTIMER.ZIP 37,657 04-12-92 Door for PCBOARD or similar that sets dateandtime of the user machine with the samedate and time of the BBS
PCBUDE11.ZIP 81,372 05-13-92 PCBUDE v1.1 ─ (For PCB14.5a) 5-13-92 PCBUser Download Enforcer Door is an auto logindoor that downgrades user security levelsbased upon file download totals. Great forsubscription boards that allow x amount ofdownloads for each subscription. Willdowngrade user security level and can clearupload and download amounts. Added optionto NOT clear file up/down totals. NewestFile in Archive: May, 1992
PCHAT312.ZIP 110,367 09-23-92 ProChat 3.1 Beta 2. The ultimate chatreplacement door for PCBoard. For multi-node systems. Replaces the NODE/CHATcommands. Compu$erve-type chat interface
PEGJMP20.ZIP 136,383 11-05-92 Peg Jump v2.0. A logic puzzle game similarto the classic Hi-Que peg puzzle. BBS Door.
PICTUROR.ZIP 64,508 05-22-92 Picturor! By Michel Dallaire Ansi ViewingDoor for Remote Access BBS's and any otherBBS's supporting Files.BBS.
PIT353.ZIP 404,217 10-23-92 The PIT 3.53 online bbs door game.
PITSB1.ZIP 82,482 03-27-92 Pit Stop Door Game Beta 1 New Working Beta.
PLEDGE12.ZIP 42,284 12-15-92 TomTron PLEDGE BANK Door UPGRADE! use [I]n
PLUM2_00.ZIP 99,190 12-10-92 Master Plumber v2.00 - Door Game - differentNew Master Plumber door game for PCB orsystems using 31 line door.sys files. ANSIgraphics game where you connect the pipes totry to keep the fluid flowing throughout thegridwork. Door features auto roll-over the1st of the month, play back or ahead days. Fully configurable in registered version bythe sysop. Newest File in Archive:September, 1992
POKRFACE.ZIP 129,055 09-23-92 Poker Face Online Poker Door.
PRESLUCK.ZIP 118,208 11-21-92 Press Your Luck bbs door game from JNSSoftware.
PRLST122.ZIP 46,248 06-11-92 ProLast 1.22 - Door That Will Allow YourUsers To Leave A Message To The Next CallerTo Your BBS. Shareware PCBoard/ProDoor &SpitFire Fully !!!
PROBTA10.ZIP 46,789 04-28-92 Prodoor's Download File Door 04/28/92.
PRODIZ19.ZIP 42,749 02-26-92 ProDIZ 1.9, ProDoor 3.44 utility to scan
PRODZ203.ZIP 44,760 09-10-92 ProDIZ 2.03 - ProDoor 3.44 utility toreplace caller U/L descriptions with aFILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI file if found inZIP, LZH, and ARJ WARNING!!! This onlyworks with ProDoor 3.44 dated 12/31/91 orlater! This is FREEWARE.
PROFV30.ZIP 27,116 10-03-92 Profile v3.0 bbs users registry door, letusers know each other better.
PWRLST20.ZIP 88,073 09-27-92 -------- Power List version 2.0 ---------Power List is a PCBoard 14.x utility thatallows a user to create his/her own personalfiles list based on interests. Rather thandownload a very large complete files list,he /she can choose those directories thatare of interest. Version 2.0 now has theability to scan for files by date or sincelast scan. Newest File in Archive:September, 1992
PYRMID32.ZIP 126,322 03-25-92 Pyramid 3.2 - Play a high low game of cardsUsers race each other to gain the fame atthe top of the pyramid. Fantastic cardgraphics. Sysop controlled card styles,Games per day and Joker usage. Excitinggame play.
QMAST100.ZIP 57,948 03-14-92 Quiz Master Version 1.00 Trivia Game with adifference. Brought to you by the samemakers of The Wall Graffiti Wall andSuprema-List. Newest File in Archive:March, 1992
QOFDV605.ZIP 153,471 10-26-92 Quote O' The Day v6.05- For almost any BBSDisplay random quotes to users online. Hasdoor so users can add quotes of their own. Sysop can add, edit delete quotes, andscreen added quotes before they are used. Uncle Productions Newest File in Archive:October, 1992
QRDB18.ZIP 168,715 10-23-92 Dbase Compatible Door Uses Dorinfo1.Def.
QT221.ZIP 49,905 05-02-92 Q-Trade tading post door from EDGEsoft. Runs on any DORINFO1.DEF BBS system.
QUIZRD48.ZIP 232,707 11-05-92 Quizard's Mountain v4.8. A Trivia/Adventuretype game. One of the best BBS doors.
QUOTES10.ZIP 48,013 09-19-92 Random quotes/jokes door, all BBS types.
RACES26.ZIP 101,004 11-09-92 Ver 2.6 Races, A Horse Racing Game Door LetsPlayers Bet All Their Points Away. Multi-Bbs.
RDRM12.ZIP 50,677 08-24-92 READROOM version 1.2 - Online reading doorfor GAP BBS and others.
RDS_V201.ZIP 163,453 09-04-92 Remote Dos Shell Door, let's a remote BBScaller/sysop use dos commands, safer thandoorway !
READER.ZIP 37,526 05-30-92 Multiple TextFile Reading Door
RECALL41.ZIP 141,175 11-05-92 Total Recall v4.1 You will need Total Recallto get a perfect score. BBS Board game Door
REQUEST.ZIP 54,117 06-07-92 ROMBRAIN CDROM REQUEST DOOR Use this programto automatically copy offline file requestsgenerated by RomBrain. Built in maintenanceto delete stored files after preset numberof days. Users can download requested filesdirectly from this door. Easy to set up anduse!
RESCUE15.ZIP 75,093 04-22-92 Rescue - Door Game v1.5 ** Part of theSunrise Door Collection ** Rescue all thehotel guests before the bombs explode! Fast-paced, frustrating and FUN!
ROAD2_00.ZIP 102,025 12-10-92 Road Work v2.00 - Door Game - Build a RoadNewly Released Road Work door game for PCBor systems using 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphics game where you have toconstruct a road from the western Town tothe Eastern town within the days of thecontract, trying to make a profit. The doorfeature auto roll-over of the scores on the1st of the month, play back/ahead days. Fully configurable in registered version by
ROMBRAIN.ZIP 363,394 12-13-92 CDROM FILE DOOR Rombrain works withdoor.sys, chain.txt dorinfo.def,sfdoors.dat. Supports multi- cd drives. Features fast searches, archive functions(read/transfer/view/download) and more. Thebest CDROM door! (Demo) From Brainex310-275-2344.
RUMOR14.ZIP 12,193 05-25-92 Rumor Door 1.4 for TAG bbs systems, nowallows defining rumor size
SBRAIN.ZIP 154,231 12-21-92 SHOP MASTER CREDIT CARD ORDER DOOR Let yourcallers order products or obtain BBSsubscriptions online by credit card. Instantly changes level and expiration dateto sysop determined levels for GAP andPCBoard. Stores ordering information insysop defined file. Can process ordersonline with TelePC. Very configurable. DEMO VERSION From The Brainex System310-275-2344.
SCALLS11.ZIP 47,888 06-25-92 SuperCalls 1.1 The ultimate Who Called TodayBulletin/Hello screen generator for PCBoard. Completly Sysop configurable! Shows yourdaily callers names only once in the displayscreen! Also has many informative features. Newest File in Archive: June, 1992
SCRBDR4B.ZIP 103,418 09-18-92 Scrabble Door v4.0b - Shareware Release BBSDoor adaptation of the popular Scrabbleboard game! Supports many different BBSfile formats internally. Uses a FOSSIL ifavailable - not required. Supports its owninternal ANSI routines. Requires dictionaryfile: ScrabDic.Zip Newest File in Archive:September, 1992
SCT106.ZIP 107,128 07-11-92 Science Class Trivia 1.6 from TES Software. Lets users answer hard SCIENTIFIC Triviaquestions to gain points and compete againstother BBS Users.
SDOOR102.ZIP 90,682 04-02-92 BBS Door Library package for Quickbasic 4.5
SEABAT26.ZIP 24,414 02-16-92 Version 2.06 compiled 02/16/92 - 9.14a Doorversion of the popular battleship game A oneon one game, writes a news flash of thewinner to a SysOp defined file.
SEARCH32.ZIP 90,743 10-17-92 Word Search - Door Game V3.2 Part of TheSunrise Door Collection Puzzle Game
SELLEM12.ZIP 73,233 07-08-92 Sell'em BBS Classified ad Door Uses A"business Card" Template, Runs With Any BBS
SF2PCB10.ZIP 23,594 02-12-92 SF2PCB Version 1.0 - File directory listingconversion utility to convert Spitfire 3.xfile lists to PCBoard 14.x file lists. Makes converting your Spitfire system toPCBoard quick and easy!
SFROM113.ZIP 73,770 09-18-92 CD-rom door for Spitfire. CD door made forspitifre only. New version.
SHL14.ZIP 81,564 11-09-92 Super League Shl Hockey Door V1.4.
SHLSTT20.ZIP 28,955 06-02-92 Sonic Hockey League Statistics Tracker v2.0for the Door Game
SHOWBIZ.ZIP 90,073 08-07-92 SHOW BIZ TRIVIA QUIZ DOOR Test your ShowBiztrivia IQ! Great entertainment trivia doorfrom The Brainex System. Newest File inArchive: August, 1992
SHUFFL23.ZIP 84,487 10-17-92 Word Shuffle - Door Game V2.3 Part of TheSunrise Door Collection
SINK35SC.ZIP 166,201 05-14-92 Sink'em v3.5 The Best Battleship type doorfor Wildcat, PCBoard and others! UsesDOOR.SYS and has excellent graphics. IHSSoftware, Inc.
SMK212.ZIP 163,249 08-26-92 Star market door game v2.12
SONGS24.ZIP 103,695 11-09-92 Ver 2.4 Name That Tune, Allows Players toGet First Line of A Song And Then ThreeGuesses to Name That Tune! It isMulti/Bbs/node Door.
SPLU2_00.ZIP 99,966 12-10-92 Super Plumber v2.00 - Door Game - differentNew Super Plumber door game for PCB orsystems using 31 line door.sys files. ANSIgraphics game where you connect the pipes totry to keep the fluid flowing throughout thegridwork. Door features auto roll-over the1st of the month, play back or ahead days. Fully configurable in registered version bythe sysop. Master Plumber is tough, butSuper Plumber is tougher. Newest File in
SPRTRV11.ZIP 118,216 03-21-92 NCAA Sports Trivia Door game works with mostBBS's.
SREAD104.ZIP 83,228 08-26-92 SREAD/SPLUS v1.01 - Multi-script script DOORallows interactive scripts,dBase like control
SS!28.ZIP 95,541 12-11-92 SuperSlots! v2.8. Slot machine game DOOR
STACK!20.ZIP 60,969 12-11-92 Stack'Em! v2.0. 'Tetris' type DOOR game
STATES26.ZIP 66,164 10-17-92 States - Door Game V2.6 Part of The SunriseDoor Collection
STATSB1.ZIP 94,319 09-28-92 STATS - The complete user file xferstatistics door for PCB Allows the user todisplay what files successfully UL/DL aswell as aborted UL/DLs and rejected uploads. Supports comm ports 1-4 as well as nonstandard comm port interrupts. Newest Filein Archive: September, 1992
STATUS10.ZIP 18,546 10-03-92 Generates Bulletin for imported messagesfrom Postlink. Supports ANSI, ASCII andxcodes. SHould work on any BBS software...
STBBS368.ZIP 78,445 08-30-92 Star Traders version 3.68 Online Game DoorStarTraders is an onliner written with theBBS Onliner Interface, meaning it will rununder virtually all DOS based BBS systems. StarTraders is a one player game ofinterstellar mercantilism with a monthlyHall of Fame. Another fine game from thewarped mind of Andrew J. Mead. Newest Filein Archive: August, 1992
STCKDOOR.ZIP 202,349 08-11-92 Stock Quote Door for TBBS systems. Allowusers to get quotes from over 4,500 stockprices updated on a daily basis.
STOCK103.ZIP 54,649 08-30-92 BBStock Exchange 1.03 Online Game Door--Bulletin Board Stock Exchange is anotherBBS Onliner Interface game that will rununder virtually all DOS based BBS systems.
STORE39.ZIP 67,045 04-23-92 LiveStore Shopping Center v3.9 -Door forPCBoard. Newly rewritten using DoorFrame.
STOREX44.ZIP 156,492 11-09-92 V4.4x of Livestore Allows You to TurnShipping Prompts On/Off Credit Card On/Off. Supports All Digiboards. Utility to CreateTxt Files For Ordering Ease. It isMulti/Node/bbs.
STRYBK12.ZIP 70,212 05-06-92 Story Book v1.2 BBS door
STR_94B.ZIP 76,484 03-20-92 Street and Alleys v.93Beta - Door forplaying the solitaire card game of Streetsand Alleys Written in C and CKIT - PCBoardand otherbbs
SUNHOF14.ZIP 18,181 10-17-92 Sunrise Doors Hof Blt Generator V1.4 Part ofThe Sunrise Door Collection HallofFame
SWAPER15.ZIP 85,024 10-02-92 BBS Screen swapper very flexible run as anevent Utility. Comes with over 30 welcomeg. Screens with ANSI Music.
SX300P1.ZIP 604,621 09-08-92 Silver Xpress Off-line Mail Door Version3.00 from Santronics Software. Now in 5thyear! #1 in Fido World, now available forPCBOARD! New information managementtechnology with off-line fax, off-line dataentry, more
SYSFIX.ZIP 36,304 11-04-92 This program will correct DOOR.SYS to matchthe MODEM TO MODEM baud rate by reading theDOBBS.BAT file in the FD directory. Youmust have the command SET FD in yourautoexec.bat file. If you Front Doordirectory is C:\FD the command would looklike:
TAG_SH32.ZIP 71,434 04-13-92 TAG bbs Shuttle Logon Door v3.2
TANK.ZIP 93,399 03-28-92 Tank BBS Door supports GAP, PCBoard...
TAPER100.ZIP 75,443 08-08-92 Online Tape Restoration Door v1.00
TATTLE10.ZIP 47,526 08-30-92 Creats BLTs for PostLink and PCRelay Byreading the lasttime.txt files. Creates anice clean display with the times and dateof the last message transfer. Will createASCII, ANSI and XCODE screens byconfiguration and allows sysop to specifythe output file names.
TBCHK100.ZIP 71,250 10-24-92 Tournament BBS Checkers Door Version 1.00Supports a wide variety of BBS. Door.sys
TBDUSE30.ZIP 18,914 09-12-92 TriBBS Door Use Bulletin Generator v3.0 byE.L. Morrow. Creates ASCII and ANSI formatbulletins to track the usage of your doors. Now updated to work with TriBBS v3.x. Manychanges; faster,.
TBRAIN6.ZIP 83,312 08-07-92 TIME BYTE BANK CASINO FOR GAP 6 Users canstore unused time or bytes in the Bank. They can gamble their connect time in theTime Brain Casino. Also, users may transfertime or bytes to other users. Easy tosetup, most options determined by sysop. NoTime bank in unregistered version. $25 reg. fee. From Brainex Systems: 310/275/2344
TDOOR316.ZIP 180,891 04-02-92 Time Door 3.16 for Wildcat 3.x Savetime/bytes online.
TDOOR40.ZIP 278,847 09-02-92 Time Door 4.0:Time Banking,Gambling &Transfe Time Door 4.0 is a Wildcat! 3.xdoor with full featured Time Banking,Gambling and Transfer sections. Time Dooris the only door to offer all these sectionsalong with the BEST and most complete sysopcontrol. The registered version even has aBYTE and DOWNLOAD bank where users candeposit bytes and downloads. Time Door isthe premiere Time Banking Door for Wildcat!
TDOORS11.ZIP 54,327 09-14-92 TRIDOORS (V 1.10) - A program for use withTriBBS Bulletin Board Systems, which willtrack the usage of up to 80 door programs,and generate both ANSI and ASCII bulletins
TDS0927.ZIP 48,431 09-27-92 -- TDS Network (Archive Update 09-27-92) --World Distributor of PCB & NON-PCB Doors andUtilities.We carry everything from 1989 tothe most recent Doors . Over 260 membersspanning 21 countries. DISK & TAPE Support. * TOLL FREE ACCESS FOR BBS DOOR & UTILITYDEVELOPERS. 5 TDS Tick file areas & SupportEchos. This is an EXCLUSIVE DOORS Network. Newest File in Archive: September, 1992
THRO2_20.ZIP 96,329 12-10-92 Throw Out v2.200 - Solitaire Card Door GameThrow Out is a solitaire card game door forPCB or systems using 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphics game based on an old solitairecard game. All instructions are in the doorprogram. The door features auto roll-overof the scores on the first of the month,play makeup or ahead days. Features areconfigurable in registered version by thesysop. Newest File in Archive: September,
TIAR10.ZIP 41,076 03-04-92 Ten in a Row Online Door Game Get 10 cardsin a row.
TIMLK30U.ZIP 61,418 05-01-92 TimeLock v3.0 Update File Node-Door timeaccess control. Allows Sysops to restrictPCB Node and Door access to designatedcallers during sysop defined time slots.
TIMLOK10.ZIP 100,237 02-25-92 TIME-LOCK, BBS Door, Time & PasswordControl. Allows Sysops to restrict accessto HUB mail, game & other doors todesignated callers ONLY during Sysop definedtime slots. Can now be configured formanual password entry or to read callerslogon password from door.sys so no change inmail script is necessary. Demo Version -not all times enabled.
TJLOT14.ZIP 121,555 05-25-92 The T&J Lotto Door v1.40- win at the lotteryby picking the right lotto numbers! Letyour users win up to three different prizesthat you select, supports COM1-4, DESQviewaware,
TK300.ZIP 205,428 10-14-92 Trivial King Game Door v3.0 from TES software
TMAST22.ZIP 15,021 04-20-92 TriBBS Master File list maker v2.2.
TMBNK201.ZIP 4,476 09-01-92 A Time Bank for Maximus OS/2 BBS systems. REXX scripts.
TNCDR104.ZIP 21,809 04-24-92 Tnc-door v1.04 packet radio TNC door prgrm
TNTBRD10.ZIP 20,717 07-27-92 TnT Board List - version 1.0 for TriBBS 3.0A DOOR utility which enables visiting SysOpsto add their BBS to a list of many. MakesASCII and ANSI Bulletins. Newest File inArchive: July, 1992
TOC3_0A.ZIP 417,425 05-20-92 Time of Chaos - Nuclear Devastation Wargame. BBS/Online DOOR game - not clearly multi-node
TQM111.ZIP 121,978 06-25-92 Fast Qwk Mail Door For Rbbs V1.11.
TRADEWAR.ARJ 1372,926 10-09-92 Trade Wars 2002, one of the latest versions..
TRAF1_00.ZIP 109,401 12-10-92 Traffic Jam v1.00 - Door Game Newly ReleasedTraffic Jam door game for PCB or systemsusing 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphicsgame where you have to get from home to theairport in two hours and avoiding uneccesarydelays. Must stop along the way to pick upsnacks for the kids. The door features autoroll-over of the scores the 1st of themonth, play back/ahead days. Fullyconfigurable in registered version by the
TREK37.ZIP 112,084 11-09-92 Ver 3.7 Trek Trivia, Allows Callers toChoose Between Original Series or Tng TriviaQuestions. Multi-Node, And is Multi/Bbs DOOR
TREKQUIZ.ZIP 107,642 08-07-92 STAR TREK TRIVIA QUIZ BBS DOOR Featuresquestions from TNG, and TOS. Registeredversion has question editor and 479questions to test the skill of the mostdedicated Trekker! Supports GAP, PCBOARD,WILDCAT 3, RBBS, WWIV, SPITFIRE or anyDOOR.SYS BBS. From Brainex 310-275-2344.
TRICRD30.ZIP 71,678 10-03-92 Tri-Cards Door Game Ver 3.0 - DreamWare.
TRIDR10A.ZIP 36,016 10-03-92 TriDoor 1.0a - Is a library of Borland C++and Turbo C++ routines for writing doors forsuch systems as PCBoard, TriBBS, Gap, all.
TRISEC21.ZIP 22,233 08-19-92 Trisec Sysop Upgrade Door. 2.1 For TriBBS
TRIVIA40.ZIP 56,759 06-08-92 Techno Trivia 4.0, nice online trivia door
TRVMAD10.ZIP 140,757 08-10-92 Trivia MADNESS v1.0 - The BEST Trivia DoorOut There! Over 1400 Questions in 7Catagories. Will Work on Almost Every BBSSoftware Package! Multi-User! The Latestfrom Pegasus DW. [SHAREWARE] Newest File inArchive: August, 1992
TSUB01.ZIP 12,877 07-15-92 TSUB -- A utility to make a door (subboard)out of TRIBBS. Will work with most BBS'sthat can create a DOOR.SYS file. PassesCallers baud, time left and error correctingconnection status. Newest File in Archive:July, 1992
TURBOP11.ZIP 36,922 06-15-92 Turbo Poll 1.1 Voting Door for most BBStypes lets users add questions/answers.
TURBOP4B.ZIP 81,684 08-15-92 User's Voting Door.
TUT105.ZIP 124,402 06-18-92 Timeup Trivia! 1.5 From Tes Software. LetsUsers Gamble Try to Win More Time or LoseSome of The Time They Have Left! TimeupSupports Com 1-5 With Various Irq's.
TVTRIV18.ZIP 71,702 07-19-92 Ver 1.8 TvTrivia, Players get to choose from5 different Tv Shows. BBS Door
TWDOC98.ZIP 26,152 04-05-92 TradeWars Doctor v98 Beta! Fix ALL problemswith Tradewars instead of re-rolling thegame. $10 registration
TWHELP21.ZIP 71,510 10-19-92 Trade Wars Helper v2.1 is a terminal programused ONLINE with the BBS door game "TradeWars 2002". It maintains a data base ofsectors with the known port and warp toinformation. Several commands are availableto utilize this data in addition to anautomatic trading capability. This programwill significantly enhance both youreffectivness and your enjoyment of TradeWars. Don't leave FedSpace without it!
TWMAC100.ZIP 4,838 08-14-92 Macros for use with Tradewars BBS door veryuseful.
TWMIS081.ZIP 51,101 04-15-92 Missions - a util for TradeWars
TWROGUE.ZIP 36,874 04-20-92 Help for Trade Wars Strategy Game Door Player
TWSHIP23.ZIP 69,293 04-04-92 Ship Type Editor for TW2002 v1.03
TYAHTZ50.ZIP 101,630 10-17-92 Triple Yahtzee - Door Game V5.0 Part of TheSunrise Door Collection Great Dice
USBDOR51.ZIP 112,289 11-14-92 USBBSDOR 5.1. USBBS List Door. Search byArea Code, State, Text, Modem, BBS or New. Automated monthly maintenance. Colorizeslist on the fly. DESQview aware. Easy toinstall.
UWBLST1.ZIP 176,121 04-08-92 Under-Ware BBS List Door 1.0 this is a PCBcompatible bbs door that allows users toADD, SEARCH and VIEW from a master BBS List(national). Easy to set up and run.....
VCHECK10.ZIP 36,259 04-18-92 User Files integrity TEST DOOR for RA andQuickBBS systems
VERF401A.ZIP 482,132 10-03-92 User Verifier Door & Mailing Utility, Ver. 4.01a(10/03/92). Complete registration,mail verification, credit card subscriptionand script questionnaire system for PCBoard14.x
VFX40.ZIP 233,981 07-07-92 "The New Standard In Call Back Verification!"
VIDEO14.ZIP 85,293 11-11-92 Video Poker Online Door Game Version 1.4.
VLTBRK40.ZIP 62,877 09-11-92 * Vault Breaker Door v4.0 * Version 4.0 ofthe original Vault Breaker Door. Thisversion has no expiration date and almostfree registration!
VOD12.ZIP 71,469 03-22-92 Vaults Of Doom, online BBS game, lots ofoptions.. From Belgium
VOTE27.ZIP 25,755 04-05-92 Vote results compiler for TAG, loads ofoptions, great !
VOTER138.ZIP 189,438 09-29-92 Voter Door v1.38 for most bbs. Full-featured
VPBLT115.ZIP 52,476 09-29-92 VPlusBLT v1.15 - Bulletin Generator for usew VOTER door v1.35+
WARPBUG.ZIP 5,471 08-10-92 Debug file from Qmail 4 Door. Hang withcertain % variables (PCB) in files.
WARRIOR.ARJ 41,530 10-17-92 Door game Warrior
WCDOOR10.ZIP 54,354 09-30-92 WCDOORS (V 1.00) - A program for use withWildcat! Bulletin Board Systems, which willtrack the usage of up to 80 door programs,and generate both ANSI and ASCII bulletins
WD201.ZIP 77,294 10-18-92 Wild-Door 2.1! A great way to show yourdoor menu off. Display Door usage. TESSoftware
WETDOOR4.ZIP 85,503 06-17-92 Online Weather Forecasting Door V4.0.
WHODOOR1.ZIP 57,765 10-10-92 Who Door v1.0: QuickBBS/Remote Accessutility that maintains upload and downloadlog files
WHOF200B.ZIP 52,013 06-24-92 WHO FILE - Version 2.0b - Compiled 06/24/92*** ANOTHER GREAT VAMPYRE BAR! BBS DOOR ***WHO FILE generates downloadable reports forusers to let them know what files have beenuploaded and downloaded with their account. Also lets the SysOp generate similar reportson _ANY_ user, whether they are still a mem-ber of the BBS or not. [SHAREWARE] NewestFile in Archive: June, 1992
WILDNET.ZIP 7,338 07-25-92 access to the wildnet network mail
WINK_100.ZIP 116,213 11-10-92 Qwk as A Wink - Qwk Door For Opus 1.1+ & 1.7.
WMATH14.ZIP 55,453 05-08-92 Word Math - BBS door from Livewire
WOF47.ZIP 152,025 10-17-92 Wheel of Fortune - Door Game V4.7 Part ofThe Sunrise Door Collection like TV game
WRDPLY21.ZIP 97,822 11-09-92 Ver 2.1 Wordplay, Where Your Callers WillTry to Create Small Words From Larger Ones. Door
XCAL354B.ZIP 151,206 08-07-92 Excalibur! 3.5.4b fully functionalShareware On-Line BBS Door, will operatewith most BBS
XCBV11.ZIP 57,554 09-04-92 Renegade Call back verifier for 8-10ßeta +
ZLAB_19C.ZIP 275,030 02-03-92 ZipLab PLUS - 1.9c Archive testing Compiled02/02/92at 11:04am. A PCBTest.Batenhancement for PCBoard/ProDoor SysOps. Tests ZIP,ARJ,LZH,GIF files. CRC value,dates, and (optionally) FILE_ID.DIZ inserted
ZODIAC34.ZIP 35,363 02-16-92 Version 3.04 compiled 02/16/92 - 7.00a A fundoor to give users a horoscope and bio-rythmchart for that period. Can also be used towrite Happy Birthday bulletin. Configurableto Canadian or US date format.
_1DT100B.ZIP 29,489 10-22-92 Trade Wars time limiting program.